The Pest Control Department provides all pest control services within the buildings.
The Pest Control Department is responsible for the following activities:
Provide pest control service for all University buildings, grounds, and private contracted organizations (bookstore, housing, and auxiliary services) and inspect and evaluate infestation levels (rodents, insect, avian etc.). Recommend chemical, non-chemical, and physical methods of control prevention and prepare and apply biocide agents. Place, maintain, and pick up traps and other insect and rodent trapping devices as needed. Maintain and repair all pesticide application devices and any other mechanical safety equipment. Serve as primary contact and represent the University on committees answering questions or problems related to methods, materials and equipment utilized in the ratification and control of pest infestations. Train employees in appropriate methods and procedures to ensure certification by MDA (Michigan Department of Agriculture). Maintain accurate records and monitor and maintain inventory of supplies and equipment.
For pest control services, please contact the FP&M Service Center at (313) 577-4315.